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Most schools use a combination of two or more of these colors.
Call us if you're unsure.
White |
Black |
Hunter Green |
Citrus |
Navy blue |
Columbia Blue |
Royal Blue |
Holiday Red |
Burgundy/Dark Red |
Orange |
New Violet |
Gold |
Silver |
Our most popular colors for Senior girls is a combination of white, plus one or two of these colors.
White |
Cream |
Ivory |
Cinderella Blue |
Soft Pink |
Lavender |
Platinum |
Raw Silk |
Quartz |
Periwinkle |
Aqua |
Rosewater |
Citrus |
Maize |
Wild Berry |
New Violet |
Coral |
Turquoise |
Hot Pink |
Black |
Gold |
Silver |
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